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Festival 47 aniversari Tres Peons - Torneig 3 (184977)

Last update 01.07.2018 02:53:21, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Starting rank list of players

3Dominguez Diaz Francisco01685Peon Negro, Club D'escacs
6Soriano Rafel Xavier01663Barcelones, Ateneu C.E.
5Fuente Pulido Aitor15411668Ideal D'en Clave C.E.
8Cantero Magallon Alejandro01492Tres Peons C.E.
9Cantero Magallon Inigo01456Tres Peons C.E.
1Garcia Miralles Eduard14141704Escola D'escacs De Barcelona
2Perez Serrallonga Maxima13901687Catalunya C.E.
7Membrives Cano Diego12661551Prat, El C.E.
4Gasull Batiste Aran12601670Tres Peons C.E.