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2nd North Eastern Masters IM Norm Invitational

Last update 23.05.2018 00:54:09, Creator/Last Upload: capchess

Starting rank list of players

5IMPanjwani Raja128333122604493CAN244424442555
10GMZapata Alonso114260514400011COL241524152474
8FMStearman Josiah140065062062496USA236823682395
3IMEnkhbat Tegshsuren127239054900251USA235623562438
9FMWang Wesley142566002072823USA232223222388
2FMDel Mundo Anton Paolo C.125760275201012PHI227622762358
7FMSinha Sahil143073252065231USA227322732364
6Paul Justin143234202086581USA224622462322
4Karamsetty Jeevan128879332025337USA223022302296
1FMJayaraman Arvind143736015007470IND214721472330