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Final Campeonato Argentino Femenino - Ushuaia 2 al 7 de Mayo Por orden de ELO -

Last update 07.05.2018 18:58:34, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

Starting rank list of players

9WIMMartinez Ayelen118702ARG2195
2WIMFernandez Maria Florencia116459ARG2159
10WIMZuriel Marisa109142ARG2157
3WIMBrizzi Milagros Tatiana128350ARG2075
1WFMMeza Anahi111325ARG2072
5WFMBorda Rodas Anapaola S.152781ARG2023
4Nejanky Maisa111899ARG2012
6WCMSuito Nakasone Catherine136360ARG1992
7Agnello Silvana113743ARG1951
8Semprevivo Florencia173649ARG1904