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Mestre Escolar Memorial Jose Ma Bellon 2018 (181820)

Last update 29.04.2018 13:31:33, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

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Starting rank list

1Ermachenko Manuel24560952ESP1754
2Gomila Benejam Doro32088337ESP1742
3Ferrer Agus Rodrigo24515574ESP1527
4Westendorf Vidal Carles24535397ESP1462
5Payeras Vilella Pedro24560219ESP1440
6Garcia Adell Ivan24515639ESP1425
7Canyelles Sureda Joan24516813ESP1342
8Antich Fernandez Marta Isabel24560987ESP1322
9Tomas Viver Marta24555371ESP1120
10Pico Ruiz Joan Marc54529425ESP1078
11Gili Mata Natalia54529239ESP0