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Final Nacional de Ajedrez Sub-18 Femenino 2018

Last update 15.04.2018 20:01:31, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

10WFMArgote Heredia Valentina4431022VAL2008Carlos Cuartas Cali
7WCMRosado Perez Maria Jose4408713BOL1925Mentes En Accion
4WCMViveros Erica Johana4416988VAL1870
8WFMVelasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN1797Club Guecha Ata Quota
1Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426VAL1785Carlos Cuartas Cali
5Gomez Guardo Laura Melissa4408578BOL1744Talentos
3WCMSarmiento Leidy Carolina4442970CUN1701
9Fraile Vela Maria Isabel4425901FEC1677
2Valencia Lopez Daily Vanessa4428846CAQ1648
6Hoyos Garces Rosana4443233BOL1590