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Final Nacional de Ajedrez Sub-18 Absoluto 2018

Last update 15.04.2018 19:43:27, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

4Gallego Julian Andres4441192RIS2199Gm Alder Escobar
7FMQuinones Garcia Santiago4408497VAL2192
8CMOliveros Camilo4449576VAL2144
10CMCalderon Zuta Nicolas4428854FEC2027
2FMTorres Cueto Jesus Marcial4415280BOL2017Soy Talento
3CMMartinez Cristian Camilo4427386VAL2009Carlos Cuartas Cali
6CMRibero Guillermo Andres4423208FEC1885Club Gestion Deportiva
9Pena Bermudez Juan Camilo4435419BOL1841Talentos
1Villaquiran Miguel4467442VAL1726
5Cruz Beltran Andres Euclides4427335CUN1706Club Shabaku