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I Torneio Interno FluChess 2018

Last update 14.06.2018 15:32:38, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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Starting rank list

1FMRafael Ventura dos Santos3388BRA2314MCXRJ
2Alexandre Jose Beringuy2055BRA2056AJTC
3Renato Luiz de Carvalho1531BRA2053AFFC
4NMRoberto Manoel Ribeiro de Oliveira62BRA2034S60MTTC
5Alexandre Pinto Romano1366BRA1996AFFC
6Juan Pablo de Carvalho Beserra3336BRA1920AFFC
7Jorge Gimenez Constant4207BRA1913AFFC
8Mario Henrique de Araujo Ciraudo3001BRA1907AFFC
9Rogerio Cerqueira Felix de Mello1911BRA1832BFFC
10Claudio Teixeira Azeredo Martins3541BRA1773BFFC
11Ednilson Monteiro Rosas2243BRA1616BFFC
12Yan de Assis Ricardo da Silva4140BRA1580CFFC
13Luciano Venturelli Guimaraes Borges3583BRA1552CFFC
14Paulo Fernando de Lima Rodrigues2530BRA1547CFFC
15Marcelo Ricardo Xavier de Mendonca4108BRA1514CFFC
16Heitor Usai Sobrinho695BRA1464S60CFFC
17Aldemir Marques4132BRA1393CFFC
18Jiang Kai4293CHN10CFFC
19Lucas Zirui Jiang4294BRA10U18CFFC
20Lucas de Lima Rosas0BRA0CNF
21Marcelo Barcelos0BRA0CNF