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National Championship (Women) Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, 3rd Battle of Grandmaster

Darrera actualització02.06.2010 11:32:28, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Philippines Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

4WFMCamacho Chardine Cheradee05201829PHI2186
2WFMCua Shercila05202620PHI2142
5WFMPerena Catherine05202744PHI2090
9WIMMendoza Beverly05201250PHI2078
12WNMSalvador Aices05202779PHI2058
11WNMBernales Christy Lamiel05204534PHI2043
8WNMDocena Jedara05202361PHI2008
6Jose Rulp Ylem05205026PHI1986
10Suede Mikee Charlene05208920PHI1949
3Suede Akiko Charmaine05206871PHI1945
7Palomo Jenny Rose05206227PHI1879
1WFMMejia Cherry Ann05206880PHI1868