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Last update 08.04.2018 09:26:05, Creator/Last Upload: Syawal Aqmar

Starting rank list of players

1Abdul Rahim Mohd Dzuhairy5726700MAS1459
2Md Nizam Ahmad Nazmi5721938MAS1440
3Manavalan Siddharth Krishna5721318MAS1233
4Sinnapar Aghilan Naythean5727227MAS1218
5Sinnapar Amirthen Yohann5727774MAS1068
9Dhakshana Sairam25945459IND0
7Eakshitha Janagiraman25945440IND0
10P. Thiagarajan Nihal Traj5745730MAS0
8Sanal Raghavan Pushpa Souparna5764106MAS0
6Siddharth M G25945467IND0