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Last update 08.04.2018 09:25:32, Creator/Last Upload: Syawal Aqmar

Starting rank list of players

1AIMChua Chee Sian Sebastien5727421MAS1595
2Manhokaran Darshevintharan5721253MAS1340
4Nor Halim Nor Hariz5745632MAS1280
3Palaniappan Keshav5730910MAS1261
5Ng Jia Shyen5735823MAS1163
9Akhsay Raj Karunakaran25945483IND0
10Krishna Sharma25944673IND0
6Mohd Faizullah Ahmad Danial Iskandar5737540MAS0
7Mohd Faizullah Aisyah Dalilah Imanina5737559MAS0
8Mohd Faizullah Aliah Diyanah Insyirah5737567MAS0