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V IRT Recife - Taça Gabriel Araújo

Last update 13.05.2018 14:57:10, Creator/Last Upload: Testversion

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Starting rank

1NMSouza Rafael Cabral De2124068BRA2178
2Da Silva Arthur Moura Viera2138603BRA2072
3Alves Campelo Danilo Cesar De L2123657BRA2037
4De Andrade Dalson Holanda Caval2125811BRA2015
5Barbosa Eugenio Seve De Melo2119820BRA1986
6Cardoso Andre Felipe De Lima2131650BRA1977
7Da Silva Araujo Gabriel Victor2194244BRA1957
8Nunes Marcelo Basilio2116707BRA1949
9De Santana Jose Ricardo Goncalv2196115BRA1902
10Lima Luiz Alexandre De Souza2105349BRA1875
11Picasso Gallego Nicolas2275414ESP1812
12Caio Francisco Ferreira Sotero2115590BRA1647
13Fernandes Pedro Guilherme Muniz2194317BRA1643
14Leite Joao Carlos Zirpoli Leite2106710BRA1622
15De Melo Braga Pamella Vittoria2194295BRA1555
16De Macedo Matheus Brandao Tenorio22729410BRA1538
17Mathias Carlos Augusto De C.2183200BRA1523
18Santos Lucas Henrique Azevedo D2136759BRA1414
19Caldas Raphael C B R Leitao22732934BRA1256
20Amador Mario Lima22728864BRA1251
21Almeida Neto Licurgo de AraujoBRA0
22Barioni Daniel RossiterBRA0
23De Moraes Hugo CarvalhoBRA0
24Ferreira Montenegro Jose BentoBRA0
25Mafra Giovanna MarquesBRA0
26Melo de Oliveira Victor MatheusBRA0
27Ribeiro Guerra ThiagoBRA0
28da Silva Bruno Cipriano MinhaquiBRA0
29 de Almeida Filho Sandoval MaltaBRA0
30dos Santos Bezerra Bruno AlexanderBRA0