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2018 Zone 4.3 Individual Chess Championships - Women Section

Last update 14.04.2018 16:43:21, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1WFMMwango Lorita8700478ZAM1965
2WIMFebruary Jesse Nikki14312336RSA1899
3WIMFrancis Onkemetse11301287BOT1794
4WCMMbatha Constance8700591ZAM1773
5Selkirk Rebecca14306514RSA1771
6WCMHamoonga Linda Banti8700648ZAM1750
7WIMMudongo Boikhutso11300230BOT1744
8WIMVilhete Vania Fausto Da T.14800144MOZ1733
9WIMCaxita Esperanca10100903ANG1725
10Van Niekerk Megan14305011RSA1674
11WFMMarape Naledi11310880BOT1631
12WCMLubuuto Bwalya Mulwale8706964ZAM1630
13Van Niekerk Robyn Julian14305020RSA1605
14Efentakis Katina14800659MOZ1553
15Simenda Daisy8707960ZAM1533
16Cheila Andre Sitoe14800780MOZ1522
17WCMCastro Neusa Aridas De14800250MOZ1455
18Makwena Christine11003391ZIM1411
19Idalmish Rufino Andre14801043MOZ1385
20Sitoe Sheila14800470MOZ1325
21Jefo Suzete Vicente14801280MOZ0