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Distrital de Coimbra 2010

Last update 06.06.2010 23:17:52, Creator/Last Upload: fpxcoimbra

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Starting rank

1Cruz Jorge Filipe Egas DaPOR2128CXM
2Neves Pedro Alexandre MaiaPOR2074CXM
3Babo Miguel Carranca FeioPOR1936AF
4Cavaleiro Daniel Filipe CostaPOR1862CXM
5Maduro Joao Luis AndradePOR1801CXM
6Cruz Joao Daniel Egas DaPOR1747CXM
7Costa Carlos Jose NevesPOR1637CXM
8Coimbra Joao Marcial FerreiraPOR1594CXM
9Sousa Joao Rui Goncalves DePOR1438CXM
10Pereira Simao Silva BarbosaPOR1221AF