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Semifinal 2 Categoria Sub-16 Absoluto 2018

Last update 01.04.2018 19:13:13, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Starting rank list

1CMMartinez Cristian Camilo4427386VAL1968Carlos Cuartas Cali
2Alvarez Angel Nelson Eduardo4430468CAQ1894Club Cadena Chess Florencia
3Murillo Oscar4445058FEC1796
4CMTobar B Jorge Esteban4430646CAU1765
5Arciniegas Castro Santiago4433122FEC1729
6WFMDiaz Luisa Fernanda4421434TOL1712Talentos Del Manana
7Parra Meza Brayan4459423CUN1665
8WCMPinillo Canon Silvana4450850FEC1662Club Voragine
9Perea Erazo Janyert Julian4471962PUT1591
10Caicedo Rodriguez Santiago Maur4465660FEC1570
11Diaz Diego Alejandro4464826CAQ1565
12Fitzgerald Daniela4427475VAL1557
13Suaza Jose Luis4441311FEC1554
14Lopez Ramirez Daniel Giovanny4449401FEC1529
15Perez Valcarcel Maria Jose4417178CAQ1526
16Mesa Baez Samuel4451848FEC1498
17Fiesco Hoyos Javier4430514FEC1495
18Hincapie Uribe Eduardo4430557FEC1493Club Iparm U. Nal
19Gomez Leon Sebastian4436008FEC1484Club De Ajedrez Kallpa
20Foronda Tovar Carlos Andres4458281QUI1482
21Manzano Gomez Valentina4455797VAL1482Carlos Cuartas Cali
22Macias Chavarro Manuela4458451FEC1417
23Agudelo Juan Sebastian4452577CAQ1415
24Real Vega Elizabeth4458524FEC1409
25Ramirez Arias Jacobo4465202FEC1406
26Leal Dayana Vanessa4471750CAU1363
27Campos Perilla Angie Catalina4473108FEC1289
28Rodriguez Rozo Edwin Giovanny4470257CUN1225Club Sopo
29Martinez Alvarado Nicolas4480953CUN1586
30Barrios Gonzalez Jesus David4473779ATL1538
31Villalobos Alejandro4480481CUN1538
32Restrepo Rodriguez Brayan4470079VAL1500
33Nino Jesus Camilo4427394FEC1397
34Alarcon Alarcon Juan
35Bacca Pena Alvaro
36Gonzalez Mojica Renan
37Mora Garcia Edwin
38Ruiz Orozco Neider
39Suarez Ferrucho Juan