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2018 South African Junior Closed Chess Championships U8 Girls Section

Last update 07.04.2018 20:03:03, Creator/Last Upload: Fransiena Kruger

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Starting rank list

1Michaels SydneyRSA919Eden District
2Naidoo KajolRSA912Jhb Metro
3Van Schaik KaylaRSA857W.Province
4De Vasconcelos TiaanaRSA833Ekurhuleni
5Rautenbach Helen ChristineRSA819Tshwane
6Jones AnnchenRSA814W.Province
7Chauke NosiphoRSA757Jhb Metro
8Williams AnikaRSA750Sedibeng
9Combrinck JaneskeRSA693Bojanala
10Smit AnikaRSA688Tshwane
11Pauer MiekeRSA683Ehlanzeni
12Ferreira AdrianiRSA676Tshwane
13Reddy DeeyaRSA675KwaZulu Natal
14Steyn AmeliaRSA664Tshwane
15Louw NovaRSA658Tshwane
16Fourie MilaRSA639Dr. K.Kaunda
17Bodalia TaritaRSA635KwaZulu Natal
18Molefinyane OmatlaRSA619Bojanala
19Alberts AnikaRSA617Tshwane
20Van Der Sandt IlianaRSA600Jhb Metro
21Reddy PaitynRSA594KwaZulu Natal
22Janse Van Rensburg RouveRSA593Ekurhuleni
23Van Eck LeezanneRSA500Ekurhuleni