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2018 South African Junior Closed Chess Championships U12 Girls Section

Last update 07.04.2018 20:05:43, Creator/Last Upload: Fransiena Kruger

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Starting rank list

1De Villiers AnriRSA1410Tshwane
2WCMDatharam AartiRSA1402KwaZulu Natal
3WCMMillard CharlotteRSA1203KwaZulu Natal
4WCMIsmail ImaanRSA1195Tshwane
5Bruintjies HaileyRSA1105Nelson M.Bay
6Singh AryaRSA1103KwaZulu Natal
7Schoeman SaneRSA1063Tshwane
8August ThimnaRSA1051Buffalo City
9Frosler JordanRSA1028Nelson M.Bay
10Naude NiaRSA1000Bojanala
11Govender KenieshaRSA991KwaZulu Natal
12Pelser Jean-MarieRSA979Tshwane
13Manto MarthaRSA972Nelson M.Bay
14Matshego ThatoRSA970Bojanala
15Le Roux ClaireRSA966Tshwane
16Yoyo AluluthoRSA963Nelson M.Bay
17Bent CierraRSA962Tshwane
18De Beer MignonneRSA945Jhb Metro
19WCMBrugman LisaRSA939W.Province
20Boshoma ChisomoRSA937Jhb Metro
21Wang Pei-ShanRSA902Buffalo City
22Botha RitiRSA881Tshwane
23Naidoo MiraRSA876Tshwane
24Qangule MandibongeRSA772Buffalo City