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2018 South African Junior Closed Chess Championships U12 Open Section

Last update 07.04.2018 20:04:56, Creator/Last Upload: Fransiena Kruger

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Starting rank list

1Nevin TylerRSA1507W.Province
2Mostert GertRSA1495Tshwane
3CMVather ShayurRSA1358Tshwane
4Govender ShevernRSA1352Ekurhuleni
5Van Schaik MigaelRSA1351W.Province
6Geyser KobusRSA1320Eden District
7Meise KeagenRSA1288Buffalo City
8Peter NeathanRSA1223N.M.Bay
9Liang Yi-Tao (Anson)RSA1217Tshwane
10CMThakersee AkshayRSA1204W.Province
11Huisamen BothaRSA1183Sedibeng
12Fourie KeananRSA1176Tshwane
13Smit YoshuaRSA1158Tshwane
14Bosch AltusRSA1130NC
15Grobler ZandreRSA1127W.Province
16Moollajee RehaanRSA1096W.Province
17Petronio AlessandroRSA1088KwaZulu Natal
18Macdonald BrandonRSA1079Ekurhuleni
19Govender LesharnRSA1074KwaZule Natal
20Delport BenRSA1072Tshwane
21Bester EthanRSA1060Jhb Metro
22Reddy ThacianRSA1058KwaZulu Natal
23Blomerus KianRSA1046W.Province
24Aldum RoccoRSA1032Ekurhuleni