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Semif Camp Arg Sub 1700 | Corrientes '18 - del 16 al 18 de marzo

Last update 20.03.2018 10:24:34, Creator/Last Upload: CRR-ComisionTecnica

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Starting rank list

1OLIVA Cristian137324ARG1583Mercedes (Corrientes)
2GOMEZ VAZQUEZ Noel147524ARG1580VIlla Ocampo (Santa Fe)
3BIDEGAIN Jose137235ARG1529S50Concordia (Entre Rios)
4RUIZ Adolfo149268ARG1385Saenz Peña (Chaco)
5AGUAYO Bautista169099ARG1347U10El colorado (Formosa)
6CARO Romina Judith181030ARG1264U14Corrientes
7CUNEO Renzo181471ARG1095U12Bella Vista (Corrientes)
8AGRELO EmmanuelARG0Corrientes
9ALMEIDA Matias129399ARG0Corrientes
10ARREJIN SixtoARG0S16Corrientes
11BANEGAS Carlos De La Cruz167061ARG0S50San Bernardo (Chaco)
12BROGGI Brian Leonel180025ARG0U20Gualeguaychu (Entre Rios)
13CUNEO BENEVENTANO Matias169323ARG0U12Corrientes
14KRISKOVICH RubenARG0Corrientes
15LATASHEN MaximoARG0Corrientes
16LOPEZ MilagrosARG0U18Bella Vista (Corrientes)
17MARTINEZ Geronimo169536ARG0U16Resistencia (Chaco)
18MEDINA FedericoARG0U16Resistencia (Chaco)
19SANDOVAL Nahuel181900ARG0U18Resistencia (Chaco)