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Campeonato Nacional Paraguayo de Ajedrez Categoría Sub 18

Last update 12.03.2018 01:05:33, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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Starting rank

1Heinechen Juan3701018PAR2155
2FMBenitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR2142
3Aguero Centurio Abel Alejandr3702820PAR1974
4Mayeregger Arnold3705226PAR1830
5Jodorcovsky Paulo Leonardo3705617PAR1673
6CMMelian Juan Sebastian3706575PAR1657
7Allo Collante Enrique3705021PAR1582
8Barrios Chamorro Jesus Adrian3706362PAR1565
9Carreras Colman Luz Gabriela3706729PAR1434
10Benitez Raul3707270PAR1398
11Amarilla Sandoval Alejandro3706460PAR1393
12Arguello Pereira Rodrigo3706745PAR1284
13Lugo Sabrina3707466PAR1276
14Nunez Pablo3706940PAR1236
15Roche Escobar Mara3708969PAR1232
16Oviedo Acosta Paula3704394PAR1223
17Allo Collante Violeta3705013PAR1219
18Garcia Alejandro3707431PAR1218
19Frutos Moreno Erico Nicolas3708780PAR1203
20Frutos Moreno Carlos Manuel3708888PAR1199
21Amarilla Jara Llyan3708420PAR1170
22Lugo Tatiana3707474PAR1071
23Amarilla Ettiene Ezequiel3708403PAR0
24 Benitez Galeano Gonzalo3706826PAR0
25Mayeregger Gonzalez Renata3708900PAR0
26Zorrilla Videla Maria Valenti3708918PAR0