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Campeonato Semifinal 1 Categoria Sub 16 Absoluto 2018 Catg Sub 16

Last update 10.03.2018 17:22:06, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Hernandez Jeronimo4452372CUN1813
2Cruz Beltran Andres4427335CUN1705Club Shabaku
3Parra Meza Brayan4459423CUN1665
4Salcedo Rodelo Brayan4434820ATL1619
5Valera Padilla Federico Jose4451724ATL1608Olivia Villa
6Hoyos Garces Rosana4443233BOL1601wSoy Talento
7Rosado Uriana Rafael De Jesus4451511GUA1581
8Ruiz Jaraba Valentina Sofia4451279ATL1559wClub Deportivo Edina
9Jaraba Andrade Aura4449282GUA1447w
10Olier Roballo Mishelle Dayana4451252ATL1418wOlivia Villa
11Caicedo Anguila Juliana4451740ATL1366wClub Deportivo Edina
12Cardenas Herrera Angela4464672BOL1336wCoosalud
13Angulo Moreno Sonia Elvira4472284BOL1332wComfenalco
14Rico Velasco Juliana Sofia4459105ATL1077wClub Deportivo Edina
15Olivella Fonseca Fabio JuniorATL1616
16Mestre Muelas Seykarin4476816CES1600
17Navarro Varela Ashly Julieth4480783ATL1600wClub Deportivo Edina
18Pineda Saumeth Vanessa Isabel4481160ATL1600wEstrellas del Futuro
19Ricardo Benavides Angel David4475461GUA1600
20Villazon Villazon Camilo Andres4476921CES1600
21Izquierdo Vallejo Oscar Andres4476786CES1580
22Vargas Viscaino Jesus Daniel4473701ATL1566Isolina
23Barrios Gonzalez Jesus David4473779ATL1538Ajedrez Baranoa
24Martinez Suarez Estefany Cristina4478061CES1518w
25Blanco Noguera Yoryeth4472306BOL1517wComfenalco
26Arredondo Madero
27Henriquez Aroca Juan Jose4475291GUA1500
28Rojas Giraldo Kevin Gabriel4476883CES1500
29Vallejo Pacheco Dwiawingumu Andres4479360CES1500
30Florez Hernandez Bairon4464486BOL1406Coosalud
31Diaz Bermudez Luis Fernando4481356BOL0Soy Talento
32Duque Freyles Obed