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Greta Home chess Championship. Under 18 open. 1st Edition

Posledná aktualizácia 05.03.2018 16:25:23, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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1Alexandre BillyHAI1200
2Augustin ClervensHAI1200
3Beldor CedrickHAI1200
4Bonhomme WykendyHAI1200
5Brice BerthonyHAI1200
6Bruno AllensHAI1200
7Ceravil FranderHAI1200
8Chrispin SteeveHAI1200
9Content SteevensonHAI1200
10Degand Denis Ariel X.HAI1200
11Delva KervensHAI1200
12Estimphil RitchyHAI1200
13Georges NephtaliHAI1200
14Jean Claude AbdiasHAI1200
15Jean Michel MarcHAI1200
16Jeune GernesonHAI1200
17Jonet JamesHAI1200
18Lacroix DorrydsonHAI1200
19Lassalle LoovenskyHAI1200
20Leger BerlenskyHAI1200
21Lemaille EnockHAI1200
22Lohier Jean KervensHAI1200
23Louis ClivensHAI1200
24Louis LovensHAI1200
25Mondelus KadonelHAI1200
26Montelma DieudonneHAI1200
27Montina MerbisonHAI1200
28Nivrose AngelotHAI1200
29Oxalus Thierry J.HAI1200
30Pavelus WadsonHAI1200
31Pierre AngenorHAI1200
32Pierre BermaneHAI1200
33Pierre DashwoodHAI1200
34Pierre LouismalioHAI1200
35Salomon JephteHAI1200
36Timasse JohnnyHAI1200
37Etienne JohnnyHAI0