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Championnat Interscolaire 2018. Under 14 1ere Edition

Վերջին արդիացում05.03.2018 21:36:06, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Alcindor Claud-BenedictHAI1200
2Antoine NelsaroudoHAI1200
3Azolin Denison A.HAI1200
4Charles Bryan F.HAI1200
5Charles MichaelHAI1200
6Clement VenordHAI1200
7Decimus JamesleyHAI1200
8Demesier SeanHAI1200
9Elveus LovesonHAI1200
10Etheard Jean FelixHAI1200
11Felix Herlens SHAI1200
12Francois UlrickHAI1200
13Hyppolite NixonHAI1200
14Jean FritsonHAI1200
15Jean Baptiste RubensHAI1200
16Jean Francois FritzHAI1200
17Jean Marie SchneiderHAI1200
18Lafleur DieuvensoHAI1200
19Lapierre RicardoHAI1200
20Latouche AndersonHAI1200
21Lemaitre Jean CarlHAI1200
22Malivert ElingtonHAI1200
23Oscar John EHAI1200
24Oxalus Leevenson M.HAI1200
25Paul TheophileHAI1200
26Pierre Louis FabriceHAI1200
27Pierre MackensonHAI1200
28Pierre WoodleyHAI1200
29Roberty JohnBy CHAI1200
30Seide CasselinHAI1200
31Servy BolodsonHAI1200
32Timasse JamesleyHAI1200
33Servy BolonderHAI1200