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2018 National Individual Chess Championships - Open Section

Last update 14.03.2018 12:15:25, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1IMKayonde Andrew8700281ZAM2398
2IMPhiri Richmond8700443ZAM2342
3IMBwalya Gillan8700257ZAM2326
4FMMunenga Douglas D8700680ZAM2286
5IMChumfwa Kelvin8700435ZAM2251
10Mulenga Prince Daniel8701776ZAM2233
6CMSimutowe Musatwe8700389ZAM2221
7Daka Justin8705364ZAM2196
8Kaulule Siame Kela8701709ZAM2155
9Kabwe Timothy8707200ZAM2141