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2018 Western Province Open Section C

Last update 04.03.2018 17:05:45, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 39)

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Starting rank

1Sonday Yaseen101035707999
2Lee Dafydd103017518990
3Geyser Freek169010486980
4Clarke Nathaniel104069661978
5Van der Westhuizen Francois188039611968
6Judd Emilio101014670962
7Snyders Meya208068746961
8Ismail Umar103089508952
9Amahle Zenzile2080096387950
10Van Staaden Burton175088911949
11de Wit Marnus108051707948
12West Evan Charles111095343938
13Gibson Amy-Leigh208085014920
14Schnabel Stephan108064602917
15Solomon Daniel108061379917
16Mamba Sonke196020335913
17Booysen Louis104046617900
18Pillay Palin107083549890
19Steyn Natasha200036329884
20Ntukela Bafana106092099863
21Booysen Conwill102059385856
22Neethling Vincent181084192848
23van Schaik Neil109089569845
24Bomela Ntlantha107092100839
25Jones Cailynn208083763834
26Bredell Werner102003393824
27Olkers Caitlyn208086084824
28Pfaff Darius107072031817
29Jones Annchen210089020815
30Londt Juvan107083746811
31Gcuze Khanya207090606800
32Pathan Aamienaa205072085792
33Gibson Harrison107069622786
34Eaton Morgan108065036783
35Plaaitjies Muneer1030096443773
36Pretorius Amanda Karen209093030765
37Adams Kyle103086058743
38Fourie Gerhardt105050727735
39Mpu Live107092079685
40Van Schaik Kayla210086082682
41Adams Kyron108089520663
42Lange Candice286088260650
43Copley Hugh107086056646
44Van Niekerk Lizelle206082233646
45Swartz Cameron109088273634
46Adams Keenan100086060628
47Van Staaden Darren107061440616
48Makinana Lebokgang198054826608
49Van Beeck Trinity207087109606
50Imrie Daniel108092067596
51Viljoen Wynand108087010570
52Bailey Kerchwil2030096437564
53Van Den Berg Simon105054553561
54Page Daniel1080096498559
55Du Plooy Heino107092068550
56Mohamed Mugamad Ali105088160539
57Badenhorst Klara Mari2100097017500
58Du Plooy Melandi2100097012500
59Gray Allan106087078500
60Jacobs Caitlin2060096064500
61Katlego Maruma2070096488500
62Leahy Emma205069631500
63Banjwa Musawenkosi00
64Botha Calvin00
65Coetzee Aden00
66Conradie Arina1070870980
67Galant Matthew10000971740
68Jonas Lukhanyo00
69Katlego Monama00
70Kleynhans Eliska00
71Kriel Henno1740895380
72Kruger Daniel00
73Mthethwa Bonginkosi Vincent00
74Oliphant Lourens10800975610
75Pitts Keanu00
76Worrall Bjorn198909010
77Yang David11000960630
78Zulu Vincent00