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New Providence Open 2018

Last update 26.02.2018 00:41:08, Creator/Last Upload: dragonjoo

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Starting rank list

1FMMoncur Cecil10400583BAH1901
2Cox Valentine10400095BAH1856
3CMKnowles Kendrick10400451BAH1827
4WCMKarelina Polina10400222BAH1809
5Ferguson Joseph10400109BAH1740
6CMSmith Nathan61400220BAH1633
7Skinner Francis10400796BAH1484
8Pinder Trinity10400818BAH1232
9Strachan Ivoine10400842BAH1071
10Jarmolkiewicz HarryBAH1012
11Miller KiahBAH998
12Smith Gurth10400710BAH0