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Campeonato Mayor Femenino Paraguayo 2018

Last update 27.02.2018 00:18:41, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1WIMPerez Rodriguez Jennifer3507831PAR2151
2WFMVargas Gabriela3700860PAR2099
3WCMAvalos Leticia3702073PAR1705
4Avalos Rosana3702090PAR1578
5WCMRojas Montserrat3701670PAR1562
6Martinez Ramirez Anahi3703134PAR1554
7Carreras Colman Luz Gabriela3706729PAR1436
8Ettiene Maciel Erlinne3703410PAR1334
9Montiel Caceres Helen3707121PAR1240
10Mayeregger Gonzalez Fiorella3708845PAR1209
11Arguello Pereira Anna Florencia3706753PAR1050
12Mayeregger Gonzalez Renata3708900PAR0
13Romero Cantero Florencia3709086PAR0
14Villalba Diaz Vania3709078PAR0
15Zorrilla Videla Maria Valentina3708918PAR0