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10th dMP Batavia Amsterdam Chess Tournament

Last update 23.02.2018 15:10:48, Creator/Last Upload: aeliens

Starting rank list of players

10GMSokolov Ivan14400030NED2599
5GMFier Alexandr2107139BRA2582
2GMNijboer Friso1000063NED2520
8IMKevlishvili Robby1040634NED2457
9IMBeerdsen Thomas1030108NED2434
1IMKashlinskaya Alina4198026RUS2426
6IMBosboom Manuel1000080NED2423
4IMSantos Ruiz Miguel22291482ESP2393
3FMVrolijk Liam1048333NED2379
7IMZatonskih Anna14101572USA2318