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Kathmandu Open International GM Chess Tournament 2018

Last update 17.04.2018 11:18:31, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

Player overview for RUS

1GMVolkov Sergey2598RUS1½10111½177
13GMFominyh Alexander2391RUS111½011½½6,59

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMVolkov Sergey25986 1 - 06 Kaustuv Kundu2381
GMFominyh Alexander23916 ½ - ½6 GMSengupta Deep2579

Player details for RUS

GM Volkov Sergey 2598 RUS Rp:2285 Pts. 7
193Sarthak Rawat1615IND5s 1
249Gurung Rahul1962IND5,5w ½
383Dangol Maheshwor Lal1702NEP5w 1
425Neelash Saha2212IND6,5s 0
546Suvradeepta Das1986IND5w 1
638FMHamal Manish2058NEP4,5s 1
721IMDeshmukh Anup2282IND6,5w 1
813GMFominyh Alexander2391RUS6,5s ½
915Kaustuv Kundu2381IND6w 1
GM Fominyh Alexander 2391 RUS Rp:2371 Pts. 6,5
1105Bang Atharva1516IND4,5s 1
264AGMShubham Shukla1838IND5,5w 1
336Subhayan Kundu2079IND6s 1
42GMSandipan Chanda2579IND6,5w ½
58IMHarsha Bharathakoti2424IND7,5s 0
654CMTandukar Nabin1936NEP5w 1
719FMGajwa Ankit2292IND6,5s 1
81GMVolkov Sergey2598RUS7w ½
93GMSengupta Deep2579IND6,5w ½