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Kathmandu Open International GM Chess Tournament 2018

Last update 17.04.2018 11:18:31, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

Player overview for BLR

7GMKasparov Sergey2462BLR1111½½0½½619

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMJaiswal Rupesh2121 ½ - ½ GMKasparov Sergey2462

Player details for BLR

GM Kasparov Sergey 2462 BLR Rp:2301 Pts. 6
199Singhak Bikram1561NEP3,5s 1
258Jati Bijay1901NEP4,5w 1
328FMShantharam K.V.2163IND6s 1
419FMGajwa Ankit2292IND6,5w 1
54GMTarlev Konstantin2549UKR7s ½
66GMGreenfeld Alon2490ISR7w ½
714IMShyaamnikhil P2385IND7s 0
830Harshavardhan G B2119IND6w ½
929FMJaiswal Rupesh2121NEP6s ½