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II Tancats Vall del Tenes 2010 Grup D

Last update 18.06.2010 14:16:56, Creator/Last Upload: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

Starting rank list of players

4Batalle Mompart CarlesESP01779Paretana
3Garcia Alcaide Victor ManuelESP16681651Caldes
8Viaplana Puigdomenech SantiESP16611705Vall del Tenes
7Nievas Martinez JosepESP15771675Paretana
5Riera Mestres JosepESP14641536Vic
9Herrero Guijo Miguel AngelESP01455Paretana
2Boixader Puig AngelESP00Vall del Tenes
6Escudero Fernandez JesualdoESP00Vic
1Folch Sampera EnricESP00Vall del Tenes
10Matas Martinez XavierESP00Vall del Tenes