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II Tancats Vall del Tenes 2010 Grup MC

Last update 18.06.2010 14:10:58, Creator/Last Upload: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

Starting rank list of players

5MKMorros Faura RicardESP22422232Mollet
2MKGarcia Gil JavierESP21932182Ideal Clavé
8MKFabre Massana MiquelESP21782167Taradell-Centelles
7Romero Perera EugeniESP21572152Montcada
9Perez Lopez Joan AntoniESP21272119Ideal Clavé
10MKHerms Agullo JordiESP21212123Granollers-Canovelles
4Garcia Marin GuillemESP21032105Vall del Tenes
3Zaiats VladimirUKR20482040Calldetenes
1Costa Trave JaumeESP20312010Granollers-Canovelles
6Fernandez Diaz CristianESP18671851Mollet