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Torneo IRT Departamental de Mayores Absoluto Antioquia

Last update 29.04.2010 04:37:47, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Gallego Alcaraz Andres FelipeANT2381
2FMVittorino Carlo GiovanniANT2342Paul Keres
3IMArenas DavidANT2302Caballo E6
4IMGuerrero Juan CarlosANT2275
5IMPanesso Rivera HenryANT2263Caballo E6
6Betancur Gilraldo David RogelANT2225Club Deportivo Las Torres
7Cano Luis FernandoANT2214
8Aponte Castillo Jose ErnestoANT2202
9Sanchez Maya SimonANT2166Caballo E6
10Zapata Cuartas Juan CarlosANT2134
11Benitez Rodriguez CarlosANT2133
12Arango Andres MauricioANT2123
13Castaneda Jhon DavidANT2112
14Garces JavierANT2104
15Gonzalez Andres GANT2087
16Rendon DanielANT2071Itagui
17Hurtado FelipeANT2061Paul Keres
18Valderrama Castano Julian CamiANT2061
19Blandon Villa Diego FANT2047Envigado
20Martinez MauricioANT2020
21Reyes Rios Juan CamiloANT1985
22Nino Juan CamiloANT1962Caballo E6
23Pena DarioCHO1936
24Carvajal Montoya Juan CamiloANT1926Paul Keres
25Duran Fabian AlbertoSAN1879
26De La Roche JoaquinANT1950
27Giraldo Leonardo EmilioANT1818
28Ramirez Raul GANT1815
29Velasquez GabrielANT1800
30Delgado Perez Carlos AlbertoANT1783