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Four Seasons Chess Tournaments FSCT Winter2018 Group B

Last update 12.02.2018 18:30:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

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Starting rank

1Zenhom Talaat10621997EGY2284
2FMBen Nasser Khaled9200223LBA2204
3Attalib Osama A.9206485LBA2040
4Amer Mokhtar9200010LBA2031
5Alrabti Noureddine Ali9210911LBA2001
6Ahmed Osaman9201955LBA1993
7Abokrais Kaled9202854LBA1903
8Alshareef Alla Aldean Othman9210660LBA1866
9Almansori Abdalaziz9206914LBA1859
10Shuaib Faris9202692LBA1834
11Bukshaim Abdalsalam9208739LBA1832
12Alagouri Hamdi Gaith9208020LBA1803
13Astail Iyman M.9207023LBA1799
14Faranka Khaled9200142LBA1794
15Albosaifi Malek A.9203486LBA1793
16Gahfer Khaled9201750LBA1787
17Attir Abdurrahman9201980LBA1740
18Kachoud Massaoud9201386LBA1738
19Almshraki Adel Ibrahim9210750LBA1729
20Faisal Raad Ahmed Rashad4814010IRQ1649
21Alwaher Faisal9209484LBA1329
22ALTRHONI Adel Ali9208372LBA0
23Al-Areefi Jamal9202218LBA0
24Alghadi Mansour9203532LBA0
25Nafati Nizar Abdalla Ahmed9211195LBA0
26TanTush MutazLBA0
27Zugta FaisalLBA0