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7th National School Chess Championship - 2018 (BOYS 17)

Last update 01.02.2018 09:17:48, Creator/Last Upload: scsbadal

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Starting rank list

1Samal Ansuman25023721IND2022ODI
2Sibi Visal R46685588IND2020TN
3AGMArka Sengupta25031201IND1976WB
4AIMSiddhanth Lohia35019732IND1675MAH
5Jaisingh Anugraha35032860IND1663MAH
6Tuhin Kashyap46612637IND1573ASSM
7AIMAaromal R S35015672IND1562TEL
8Upadhyay Prince25632868IND1497GUJ
9Parekh Vishrut25641190IND1332GUJ
10Sandeepta Kumar Dash45083215IND1314ODI
11Debi Prasad Nayak25696629IND1285ODI
12Tahilianey Dhruv46676503IND1258MAH
13Banerjee Abhradeep45046255IND1184JHAR
14Sai Amit K35084089IND1155TEL
15Jha Rishabh25688847IND0MAH