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Campeonato departamental amateur 2018

Last update 22.01.2018 00:12:11, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Ballesteros Lopez William4410424QUI2028Armenia
2Agudelo Carlos Hernan4404696QUI2001Armenia
3Valencia Cristian Johan4407857QUI1995Escaques
4Florez Castro Estiven4434510QUI1932Pensamiento Del Futuro
5Velasquez Andres Felipe4425669QUI1846
6Cubillos Carlos Alberto4466322QUI1707Peon Dama San Francisco
7Triana Castro Francisco Javie4474910QUI1650Peon Dama San Francisco
8Caicedo Juan Guillermo4473736QUI1634
9Londono Arias Julian Andres4466640QUI1595Peon Dama San Francisco
10Ortiz Luis Miguel4439600QUI1595
11Caicedo Vallejo JacoboQUI0