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Nordic Youth Chess Championship 2018 group D

Senast uppdaterad11.02.2018 17:07:57, Creator/Last Upload: Jouni Lehtivaara

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1Liu Casper1454153DEN1963
2Wernberg Hugo1737511SWE1959
3Shehzad Shazil1521942NOR1893
4Rasti Arvin1741160SWE1888
5Davidsson Oskar Vikingur2310627ISL1871
6Unneland Mathias1525581NOR1860
7Keso Elias514942FIN1825
8Jaakkola Konsta514586FIN1766
9Ehrenreich Simon1457292DEN1762
10Luu Robert2311798ISL1680
11Apol Luitjen Akselsson7202466FAI1669
12Nielsen Jon í Horni7202105FAI1650