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Riga Technical University Open 2018 - Tournament A

Last update 12.08.2018 15:10:33, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

Player overview for TKM

21IMAnnaberdiev Meilis2509TKM1½101½11178104,70Tournament A

Results of the last round for TKM

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMAnnaberdiev Meilis25096 1 - 06 IMKrupenski Juri2390

Player details for TKM

IM Annaberdiev Meilis 2509 TKM Rp:2554 Pts. 7
1152Linsenmeyer Mario2180GER4,5w 1101,20
299Kuznecovs Nikita2280LAT4,5s ½10-2,90
391IMMishuchkov Nikolai M.2307RUS5w 1102,40
467FMSinz Bernhard2377GER5,5s 010-6,80
587WIMNarva Mai2320EST5w 1102,50
671FMShishkov Andrei2370EST5,5s ½10-1,90
769FMSirosh Ilja2372EST5,5w 1103,20
847FMBernotas Arturs2406LAT5,5s 1103,60
957IMKrupenski Juri2390EST6w 1103,40