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Doha Winter Closed Tournament 2018

Last update 11.02.2018 09:58:19, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7AL-MARRI Omar12100340QAT2118
1LARI Mansour12100242QAT2105
3AL-MODIAHKI Ali12100307QAT2093
6Al-OBAIDLI Rashid12100366QAT1985
10OMAR Ahmed Salah10635670EGY1676
5GHANEM Al Shamari12100986QAT1635
2SALIH Al Hor12101001QAT1613
9NASAR El Hassan7801564PAK1603
4BOLOGAN Anton13909339MDA1222
8AL-SAADI Ali12101036QAT1218