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FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship 2018 - section U2300

Last update 29.04.2018 20:36:37, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Bertagnolli

Player overview for NOR

32Taksrud Vidar2019NOR00½01100½3421875Under2300

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
92042Sandhya G19713 ½ - ½ Taksrud Vidar201932

Player details for NOR

Taksrud Vidar 2019 NOR Rp:1875 Pts. 3
13FMCadena M Gustavo Adolfo2230COL4,5w 0
220Janiszewski Maciej2129POL6s 0
312Mitrandzas Athanasios2177GRE3,5w ½
441Herrmann Roman1975ARG4,5s 0
5-bye- --- 1
645WFMVelasquez Angie Gabriela1797COL2,5w 1
722FMIbar Marcelo2121ARG5,5s 0
815FMValenti Giuseppe2144ITA3,5w 0
942Sandhya G1971IND3,5s ½