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FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship 2018 - section U2300

Last update 29.04.2018 20:36:37, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Bertagnolli

Player overview for JOR

38Ababneh Ghayth2006JOR010½001013,5381934Under2300
18Murad Bino1571JOR1000110115331298Under1700

Results of the last round for JOR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
92229Lopez Pablo20351 0 - 1 Ababneh Ghayth200638
92018Murad Bino15714 1 - 04 Corbo Giuseppe A.135250

Player details for JOR

Ababneh Ghayth 2006 JOR Rp:1934 Pts. 3,5
116CMPanjkovic Aleksandar2139ITA5w 0
225Neri Enzo2086ITA4,5s 1
320Janiszewski Maciej2129POL6w 0
412Mitrandzas Athanasios2177GRE3,5s ½
541Herrmann Roman1975ARG4,5w 0
637Privitera Franco2007ITA3,5s 0
7-bye- --- 1
828Marson Juan Miguel2055ARG4,5w 0
929Lopez Pablo2035ARG1s 1
Murad Bino 1571 JOR Rp:1298 Pts. 5
159Vargiu Alessandro1057ITA3,5w 1
263Arango Leon Andres Felipe0COL6s 0
342Shergaliev Nurlan1452KGZ3,5w 0
444Alotaibi Khaled1421KUW3,5s 0
554Massidda Antonio1209ITA3,5w 1
673Ott Wegener Hans0CHI4,5s 1
746Mascia Germano1413ITA4,5w 0
848Massidda Luca1387ITA3s 1
950Corbo Giuseppe A.1352ITA4w 1