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Marijampolės miesto čempionato FINALAS 2018M.

Last update 02.03.2018 13:43:05, Creator/Last Upload: Rolandas Martinkus

Starting rank list of players

2IMPultinevicius Paulius12809390LTU2380
3Sumskis Rimvydas12800562LTU2068
7Arulis Algimantas12805556LTU2038
6Babrauskas Darius12805602LTU2030
1Vaskevicius Augustas12808008LTU1947
5Kalinauskas Rolandas12805564LTU1930
4Mockus Dziugas12811750LTU1546
8Smolenskas Dainius12809705LTU0
9Teleisa Vytautas12805580LTU0