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Open Praha 2018 - B 17. rocnik mezinarodniho sachoveho festivalu

Last update 19.01.2018 14:08:34, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for NOR

59Shehzad Alisha15940NOR01100½1014,551open B
64Ringen Julian Lothe15690NOR0101½11004,550open B
66Frimanslund Berge15590NOR0101010½03,585open B
117Shehzad Alina01000NOR0001001002114open B

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Markova Karolina1039 0 - 1 Shehzad Alisha1594
Bridgeman Matthew1000 1 - 0 Frimanslund Berge1559
Shehzad Alina10002 0 - 12 Grigorova Asya1196
Ringen Julian Lothe1569 0 not paired  

Player details for NOR

Shehzad Alisha 1594 NOR Rp:1529 Pts. 4,5
11Marjanovic Gyorgy20260HUN5,5s 0
286Juhanak Daniel14320CZE3,5w 1
3114Hrbkova Johana01000CZE2,5s 1
419Shamian Artur18020UKR6,5w 0
59Badik Maksym19280UKR6s 0
690Tomanek Karel13710CZE4,5s ½
7109Trefilik Jiri01431CZE4w 1
832Chudacek Vladimir17360CZE5w 0
9107Markova Karolina10390CZE3,5s 1
Ringen Julian Lothe 1569 NOR Rp:1697 Pts. 4,5
16Jaeger Andre19580GER6,5w 0
293Tesar Jakub13410CZE3s 1
310Kronowetter Borivoj18820CZE7w 0
490Tomanek Karel13710CZE4,5s 1
543Cech Lubomir16610CZE3,5w ½
651Pucholt Martin16280CZE3,5s 1
736Plesnik Miroslav17050CZE4- 1K
8-not paired-- --- 0
9-not paired-- --- 0
Frimanslund Berge 1559 NOR Rp:1343 Pts. 3,5
18Palka Miroslav19340SVK6,5w 0
295Day Tobias13050CZE3s 1
319Shamian Artur18020UKR6,5s 0
492Keerthana Easwar13630ENG4w 1
535Istel Oldrich17190CZE4s 0
6116Senft Antonin01000CZE3w 1
748Kuhnmund Ivan16430CZE4s 0
8107Markova Karolina10390CZE3,5w ½
9113Bridgeman Matthew01000ENG4,5s 0
Shehzad Alina 1000 NOR Rp:1026 Pts. 2
158Ruzicka Vaclav15940CZE4,5s 0
284Soucek Petr14400CZE4w 0
392Keerthana Easwar13630ENG4s 0
4-bye-- --- 1
590Tomanek Karel13710CZE4,5w 0
6104Markova Katerina11350CZE2s 0
7112Melnikov Ivan01188CZE2w 1
879Zednik Petr14930CZE3,5s 0
9102Grigorova Asya11960FID3w 0