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2018 South Wales New Year Open

Darrera actualització07.01.2018 19:41:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Kevin

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Rànquing inicial

1Kett Tim1801210WLS2223
2Blackburn Jonathan L B1801090WLS2194
3Pleasants Allan J411337WLS2139
4Bullen Alex1801627WLS2098
5Brown Thomas1801430WLS2064
6Young Alan1801309WLS2023
7Ralphs Nigel1801805WLS2018
8Ehsandar Peter1801813WLS1987
9AGMVan Kemenade Rudy410942WLS1969
10WFMCooke Suzie G.414930WLS1954
11Bevan Peter M1800345WLS1951
12Morcom Huw1800469WLS1930
13Taylor Robert Graham1800841WLS1927
14Robinson David1801368WLS1925
15Waterfield John W407143WLS1925
16Parry Matthew1800531WLS1903
17Turner Joseph David1801520WLS1889
18Howells Chris1803328WLS1860
19White Ernest M408590WLS1824
20Timmins Chris P471119ENG1822
21Haigh Tony1802569WLS1816
22Jukes Sam1803182WLS1740
23Stuart Neil1802577WLS1740
24WCMSivarajasingam Venetia1802895WLS1731
25Francis Matthew1802801WLS1706
26Lewis David1805134WLS1691
27Denham Colin1802488WLS1652
28Morgans Justin1804898WLS1649
29Probert Malcolm1802305WLS1614
30Jaberansari Daniel1804499WLS1451