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Circuito Piauiense de Xadrez Clássico 2017 Série A

Last update 17.01.2018 12:59:51, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

Starting rank list of players

1Silva Sobrinho Agostinho Jose45742102927BRA21132109
9Bastos Werton Alvarenga40962116324BRA20542074
3Amorim Gidelson Ferreira402202159112BRA20152033
8Alves Da Silva Thiago173062137585BRA20062010
2Mello Sales Caio De40142136163BRA18922021
7Lima Fo Jose Pacifico68372104334BRA18711928
5Correa Luca Soares291382148188BRA18191892
4Araujo Jairo De Oliveira4982322723587BRA17771787
6Sales Luis Carlos40132136171BRA17361803
10Ribeiro Yuri Alisson Cavalcante4910322711805BRA16741822