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Tie-break: Anand - Fedoseev 1,5 : 0,5

King Salman World Rapid Championship 2017 Open

Last update 29.12.2017 07:44:49, Creator: tkarali,Last Upload: IRMA UND WERNER STUBENVOLL

Player overview for IND

12GMAnand Viswanathan2758IND11½1½½1½1½½½½1½10,5128742046,80Open
43GMHarikrishna P.2687IND1½011½1½½0½11½½9,51627372026,00Open
51GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2676IND101100½½½½10½1½861259520-21,80Open
64GMAdhiban B.2659IND1½½010110110½007,56526502014,00Open
81GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2618IND½0½½1½010011½1½8602597200,80Open
91GMSethuraman S.P.2599IND1001½00110½01½06,596255220-12,80Open

Results of the last round for IND

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBu Xiangzhi2654 ½ - ½10 GMAnand Viswanathan2758
GMDing Liren27349 ½ - ½9 GMHarikrishna P.2687
GMAdhiban B.2659 0 - 1 GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2693
GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2676 ½ - ½ GMVallejo Pons Francisco2638
GMLeko Peter2671 ½ - ½ GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2618
GMMcShane Luke J2697 1 - 0 GMSethuraman S.P.2599

Player details for IND

GM Anand Viswanathan 2758 IND Rp:2874 Pts. 10,5
179GMAkobian Varuzhan2620USA9s 1206,20
255GMLeko Peter2671HUN8w 1207,60
353GMSargissian Gabriel2673ARM8s ½20-2,40
458GMDemchenko Anton2667RUS8w 1207,60
538GMCheparinov Ivan2694FID8,5s ½20-1,80
652GMPonkratov Pavel2673RUS8w ½20-2,40
733GMMcShane Luke J2697ENG7,5s 1208,40
88GMFedoseev Vladimir2771RUS10,5w ½200,40
91GMCarlsen Magnus2908NOR10s 12014,00
109GMWang Hao2770CHN9,5w ½200,40
1118GMSvidler Peter2743RUS9,5s ½20-0,40
127GMNepomniachtchi Ian2780RUS10,5w ½200,60
1316GMOnischuk Vladimir2748UKR9,5s ½20-0,20
145GMGrischuk Alexander2813RUS10w 12011,60
1568GMBu Xiangzhi2654CHN10s ½20-2,80
GM Harikrishna P. 2687 IND Rp:2737 Pts. 9,5
1110IMKhader Sami2360JOR5,5w 1202,60
268GMBu Xiangzhi2654CHN10s ½20-1,00
386GMFressinet Laurent2612FRA8w 020-12,00
4104IMAbdyjapar Asyl2454KGZ6s 1204,20
56GMIvanchuk Vassily2796UKR6,5w 12013,00
6114GMVan Foreest Jorden2298NED7s ½20-8,20
711GMKorobov Anton2765UKR9s 12012,20
87GMNepomniachtchi Ian2780RUS10,5w ½202,60
987GMKravtsiv Martyn2610UKR8,5s ½20-2,20
1037GMMamedov Rauf2695AZE10w 020-9,80
1174GMLaznicka Viktor2640CZE8s ½20-1,40
123GMAronian Levon2819ARM9w 12013,60
1392GMSaric Ivan2597CRO9s 1207,60
144GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2814AZE9w ½203,40
1520GMDing Liren2734CHN9,5s ½201,40
GM Vidit Santosh Gujrathi 2676 IND Rp:2595 Pts. 8
1118FMAl-Hajiri Bader2119KUW6w 1201,60
28GMFedoseev Vladimir2771RUS10,5s 020-7,40
396GMTregubov Pavel V.2565RUS7w 1207,00
47GMNepomniachtchi Ian2780RUS10,5w 12012,80
587GMKravtsiv Martyn2610UKR8,5s 020-11,80
613GMKarjakin Sergey2757RUS9s 020-7,80
782GMMoiseenko Alexander2618UKR8w ½20-1,60
880GMEljanov Pavel2619UKR7s ½20-1,60
984GMAndriasian Zaven2615ARM7w ½20-1,60
10106IMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian2381NOR7s ½20-7,00
11114GMVan Foreest Jorden2298NED7w 1201,80
1258GMDemchenko Anton2667RUS8s 020-10,20
1381GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2618IND8w ½20-1,60
1497GMMalakhatko Vadim2551BEL7,5s 1206,60
1576GMVallejo Pons Francisco2638ESP8w ½20-1,00
GM Adhiban B. 2659 IND Rp:2650 Pts. 7,5
1130Alanazy Mohammed1700KSA4,5s 1201,60
239GMSafarli Eltaj2694AZE9w ½201,00
331GMMeier Georg2703GER8s ½201,20
437GMMamedov Rauf2695AZE10w 020-9,00
52GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2839FRA8,5s 12014,80
615GMLe Quang Liem2750VIE9w 020-7,60
76GMIvanchuk Vassily2796UKR6,5w 12013,60
830GMBacrot Etienne2706FRA7,5s 12011,40
920GMDing Liren2734CHN9,5w 020-8,00
1034GMMalakhov Vladimir2696RUS7,5s 12011,00
1127GMShort Nigel D2709ENG7w 12011,40
1216GMOnischuk Vladimir2748UKR9,5s 020-7,60
1344GMMovsesian Sergei2685ARM8w ½200,80
1490GMZhao Jun2600CHN9,5s 020-11,60
1540GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2693VIE8,5w 020-9,00
GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 2618 IND Rp:2597 Pts. 8
114GMYu Yangyi2752CHN9,5w ½203,60
26GMIvanchuk Vassily2796UKR6,5s 020-5,40
315GMLe Quang Liem2750VIE9s ½203,60
4119CMAl Ghamdi Ahmed M2097KSA5,5w ½20-8,40
5101GMSanal Vahap2499TUR5,5s 1206,80
635GMMelkumyan Hrant2696ARM8,5w ½202,20
749GMBocharov Dmitry2678RUS6,5s 020-8,40
8109IMTissir Mohamed2366MAR5,5w 1203,80
947GMAlekseev Evgeny2681RUS9s 020-8,20
10107IMAl-Saffar Araz Basim Mohammed2368IRQ6,5w 020-16,20
11111FMSaeed Ishaq2314UAE6,5s 1202,80
1291GMSethuraman S.P.2599IND6,5w 1209,40
1351GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2676IND8s ½201,60
1433GMMcShane Luke J2697ENG7,5w 12012,20
1555GMLeko Peter2671HUN8s ½201,40
GM Sethuraman S.P. 2599 IND Rp:2552 Pts. 6,5
124GMRiazantsev Alexander2719RUS8w 12013,20
244GMMovsesian Sergei2685ARM8s 020-7,60
342GMArtemiev Vladislav2687RUS9,5w 020-7,60
4118FMAl-Hajiri Bader2119KUW6s 1201,60
526GMGuseinov Gadir2714AZE10w ½203,20
648GMKasimdzhanov Rustam2679UZB8,5s 020-7,80
7103FMDzhumagaliev Yan2464RUS6,5w 020-13,60
8102GMDobrov Vladimir2497RUS5,5s 1207,20
910GMInarkiev Ernesto2767RUS6,5w 12014,40
1050GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2678POL9s 020-7,80
1156GMAmin Bassem2670EGY7w ½202,00
1281GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2618IND8s 020-9,40
13113IMLodhi Mahmood2302PAK5,5w 1203,00
1419GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2740UKR6,5w ½203,80
1533GMMcShane Luke J2697ENG7,5s 020-7,40