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3. Open SK "Buducnost"

Last update 26.12.2017 21:55:18, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1GMDjukic Nikola922412MNE2525
2IMKalezic Blazo921815MNE2455
3IMNikac Predrag908975MNE2329
4FMPecurica Milos944963MNE2324
5Milovic Jovan930903MNE2274
6Musovic Armin939935MNE2252
7Kisic Bozidar16500350MNE2233
8Vujacic Igor932620MNE2228
9Rovcanin Zeljko932043MNE2121
10Djokovic Mirsad903930MNE2107
11Abramovic Dragoljub918776MNE2058
12Durutovic Dragutin909750MNE2024
13Skenderovic Ismet910317MNE1995
14Vuckovic Marko16501870MNE1992
15Vesovic Nebojsa942340MNE1938
16Alivodic Dario16501632MNE1920
17Jeknic Velimir909831MNE1902
18Stamatovic Vladimir16500091MNE1859
19Djukanovic Mitar16500334MNE1825
20Djurovic Peko16503902MNE1768
21Delevic Nina939650MNE1765
22Vujovic Savo16504020MNE1717
23Lakusic Zoran16502060MNE1695
24Rakic Tijana16504194MNE1487