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Aeroflot Open 2018 A

Last update 28.02.2018 20:04:26, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for ARM

10GMSargissian Gabriel2677ARM½½½11½1½½682699102,50Open A
40GMPetrosian Tigran L.2589ARM111½½½½½½6527571020,40Open A
41GMMartirosyan Haik M.2586ARM½½½½½00½½3,575240010-23,10Open A
50GMPetrosyan Manuel2569ARM10½½½½½½04562581101,70Open A
71IMHakobyan Aram2497ARM½½½½½½½1½52126551019,10Open A
77GMMikaelyan Arman2486ARM1½001½0½03,5792521103,80Open A
81IMSargsyan Shant2481ARM00001½½½13,583236410-12,30Open A

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
9110GMSargissian GabrielARM2677 ½ - ½ GMKovalev VladislavBLR264116
9340GMPetrosian Tigran L.ARM2589 ½ - ½ GMKorobov AntonUKR266412
91822GMRomanov EvgenyRUS2621 ½ - ½ IMHakobyan AramARM249771
92228GMIndjic AleksandarSRB26124 1 - 04 GMPetrosyan ManuelARM256950
93377GMMikaelyan ArmanARM2486 0 - 1 IMFirouzja AlirezaIRI254953
93841GMMartirosyan Haik M.ARM25863 ½ - ½3 IMGolubov SaveliyRUS249274
94581IMSargsyan ShantARM2481 1 - 02 IMBellaiche AnthonyFRA248579

Player details for ARM

GM Sargissian Gabriel 2677 ARM Rp:2699 Pts. 6
156GMXu Yinglun2538CHN4,5w ½10-1,90
254GMXu Xiangyu2545CHN6s ½10-1,80
358IMLomasov Semen2530RUS4w ½10-2,00
448GMNarayanan.S.L2573IND4s 1103,60
564IMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2516UZB4w 1102,90
633GMBologan Victor2600MDA5,5s ½10-1,10
729GMAlekseenko Kirill2609RUS5,5w 1104,10
824GMLysyj Igor2618RUS6s ½10-0,80
916GMKovalev Vladislav2641BLR7w ½10-0,50
GM Petrosian Tigran L. 2589 ARM Rp:2757 Pts. 6
186IMGallego Alcaraz Andres Felipe2461COL5w 1103,30
213GMPiorun Kacper2659POL5s 1106,00
315GMSethuraman S.P.2646IND6,5w 1105,80
433GMBologan Victor2600MDA5,5s ½100,20
519GMGordievsky Dmitry2630RUS6,5w ½100,60
624GMLysyj Igor2618RUS6w ½100,40
76GMArtemiev Vladislav2697RUS6s ½101,50
85GMMatlakov Maxim2709RUS5,5s ½101,60
912GMKorobov Anton2664UKR6w ½101,00
GM Martirosyan Haik M. 2586 ARM Rp:2400 Pts. 3,5
187IMIniyan P2460IND3,5s ½10-1,70
291IMRaja Harshit2448IND4w ½10-1,90
371IMHakobyan Aram2497ARM5s ½10-1,20
488FMErigaisi Arjun2458IND4w ½10-1,70
573WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2493RUS4,5s ½10-1,30
663GMYuffa Daniil2521RUS4,5w 010-5,90
786IMGallego Alcaraz Andres Felipe2461COL5s 010-6,70
878IMBelyakov Bogdan2486RUS3,5s ½10-1,40
974IMGolubov Saveliy2492RUS3,5w ½10-1,30
GM Petrosyan Manuel 2569 ARM Rp:2581 Pts. 4
14GMMamedov Rauf2709AZE6s 1106,90
212GMKorobov Anton2664UKR6w 010-3,70
32GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2723IND5s ½102,10
420GMZvjaginsev Vadim2629RUS5,5w ½100,80
58GMNajer Evgeniy2683RUS4,5s ½101,60
677GMMikaelyan Arman2486ARM3,5w ½10-1,10
789IMShinkevich Vitaly2454RUS3,5s ½10-1,60
814GMSjugirov Sanan2652RUS5w ½101,10
928GMIndjic Aleksandar2612SRB5s 010-4,40
IM Hakobyan Aram 2497 ARM Rp:2655 Pts. 5
125GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2617IND5w ½101,60
237GMTari Aryan2597NOR5s ½101,40
341GMMartirosyan Haik M.2586ARM3,5w ½101,20
417GMBluebaum Matthias2635GER4s ½101,90
518GMMareco Sandro2632ARG5,5s ½101,80
626GMJumabayev Rinat2614KAZ5,5w ½101,60
734GMKobalia Mikhail2599RUS5s ½101,40
830GMWen Yang2608CHN4w 1106,50
922GMRomanov Evgeny2621RUS5s ½101,70
GM Mikaelyan Arman 2486 ARM Rp:2521 Pts. 3,5
131GMOparin Grigoriy2607RUS4,5w 1106,60
235GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2598RUS5s ½101,50
31GMFedoseev Vladimir2724RUS4,5w 010-2,00
437GMTari Aryan2597NOR5s 010-3,50
548GMNarayanan.S.L2573IND4w 1106,20
650GMPetrosyan Manuel2569ARM4s ½101,10
725GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2617IND5w 010-3,20
845GMSarana Alexey2577RUS4,5s ½101,20
953IMFirouzja Alireza2549IRI4,5w 010-4,10
IM Sargsyan Shant 2481 ARM Rp:2364 Pts. 3,5
135GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2598RUS5w 010-3,40
246IMTabatabaei M.Amin2577IRI5,5w 010-3,70
389IMShinkevich Vitaly2454RUS3,5s 010-5,40
485IMDragnev Valentin2461AUT3s 010-5,30
5-bye- --- 1
678IMBelyakov Bogdan2486RUS3,5w ½100,10
782WGMPogonina Natalija2478RUS3,5s ½100,00
870GMDebashis Das2501IND2,5s ½100,30
979IMBellaiche Anthony2485FRA2w 1105,10