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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE -IM XII - 2017

Last update 25.12.2017 12:20:24, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2GMGleizerov Evgeny4101332RUS2490
6GMNikcevic Nebojsa901776MNE2434
9FMIvic Velimir950122SRB2344
10Nikolic Nebojsa925853MNE2334
7IMKontic Djordjije902284MNE2314
1FMPetijevic Vaso916625MNE2261
4FMBujisic Vlastimir914843MNE2194
3FMMiljkovic Milan14401819BIH2163
5Dolgun Can34533273TUR2055
8Lazarevic Zoran16502191MNE1857