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DELHI OPEN 2018 Category "A" Cash Prize 27,77,777, IGI Stadium, New Delhi 09-16 January 2018

Last update 16.01.2018 11:13:48, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

Player overview for VIE

14GMTran Tuan Minh2548VIE1110110½½½6,530Category A
20GMNguyen Duc Hoa2490VIE1½10101½11725Category A
131Nguyen Phuoc Tam2068VIE1100½½1½015,590Category A

Results of the last round for VIE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMTran Tuan Minh25486 ½ - ½6 CMGukesh D2354
IMSangma Rahul23326 0 - 16 GMNguyen Duc Hoa2490
GMHimanshu Sharma2470 0 - 1 Nguyen Phuoc Tam2068

Player details for VIE

GM Tran Tuan Minh 2548 VIE Rp:2451 Pts. 6,5
1146Pruthu Deshpande2026IND5w 1
282Dodeja Pawan2239IND6s 1
363Moksh Amit Doshi2307IND4,5w 1
423GMRahman Ziaur2472BAN8s 0
562CMAronyak Ghosh2309IND5,5w 1
637IMSardana Rishi2402AUS7s 1
78GMKarthikeyan Murali2580IND7,5w 0
854Kaustuv Kundu2324IND5,5s ½
938IMShyaamnikhil P2397IND7w ½
1047CMGukesh D2354IND6,5w ½
GM Nguyen Duc Hoa 2490 VIE Rp:2376 Pts. 7
1152Manish Anto Cristiano F2012IND4,5w 1
293Lokesh N.2200IND5s ½
385FMAnand Nadar2234IND3,5w 1
459GMRoy Chowdhury Saptarshi2318IND6,5s 0
599Kulkarni Vinayak2175IND4,5w 1
671Koustav Chatterjee2288IND6,5s 0
7103WIMPujari Rucha2168IND5w 1
869Muthaiah Al2291IND6,5s ½
980Nayak Rajesh2247IND6w 1
1050IMSangma Rahul2332IND6s 1
Nguyen Phuoc Tam 2068 VIE Rp:2191 Pts. 5,5
1263Tejes Suresh Kumar1373IND3s 1
260IMDhulipalla Bala Chandra Prasad2313IND6,5w 1
340FMErigaisi Arjun2386IND7s 0
472FMGajwa Ankit2284IND5,5w 0
539IMAmeir Moheb2394EGY4,5w ½
6204Sanket Chakravarty1858IND3,5s ½
7208Jain Nityata1845IND5w 1
853FMHafiz Arif Abdul2324INA6,5s ½
967Sekar B2300IND6,5w 0
1025GMHimanshu Sharma2470IND4,5s 1