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Classique hivernale de Montréal 2018 - Section invitation

Last update 06.01.2018 23:32:08, Creator/Last Upload: Lefong Hua

Starting rank list of players

2FMYU Zong Yang1534802616688CAN2392
7FMSAI Krishna G V1653205028280IND2370
5FMCHIKU-RATTE Olivier Kenta1483762614782CAN2329
4CMTALUKDAR Rohan1508432616378CAN2290
6CMHUA Eugene1541972618150CAN2254
8FMIVANOV Mike1405572613158CAN2248
3NMMASSE Hugues1254612604264CAN2129
1FMRODRIGUE-LEMIEUX Shawn1553002620049CAN2081